Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Reuben's Big Chewsday Post

Friends, a terrible thing happened to me 2 days ago. And it no was my mouth surgeries! There was a misunderestimating about my bloodworks when we got to Vet on Monday morning, so Mama had to do a reschedule of the whole thing!
running dachshunds
This is me (and Gretchen), running away from Vet!

I was so excited until I camed home and discovered that Daddy had broken the computer the computer accidentally broke when Daddy was using it. So I no could give an update on my surgicals. Mama says I has to go back to Vet on Thursday now, and has the surgicals for real this time. Of course I had a dislike for this, but my grave concern was for the status of my book, "A Small Dog's Guide to Braveries," which is stored in draft form ON THE COMPUTER and nowhere else. I no is finished writing it yet! (Update: my book is fine).

Since the computer had brokens (the DVD player does too, and also the stereo, and we no has TV either), we all went to Farm yesterday to spend the night and do entertainings of ourselves with Nature. You may recall my last trip to the farm and the extreme amount of groundings I had as a result. But Mama decided that I could go after all. As long as I stays away from the monster chickens this time.

I had so many big adventures at Farm! I did hundreds of runnings through the woods with my ears and tongue flapping free in the winds. There was so much adventurings that I no has time to write all about of them at this time. The computer is fixed now, but Mama is using up all the internets to do "important things" that she "no could do when the computer was broked." Boring!

So I comes back tomorrow with all of the whole story of my Big Farm Adventure. In the meantimes, here is a gratuitous photo from yesterday of my beauties:

floppy tongue dachshund


  1. Here are lots of pawsitive thoughts for your vet/dental thing and your dad's computer.

    It was the cat I bet... even if you don't have a cat, it was the cat.

    Shelle, Milo, Dixie and Newby,

  2. Ooh, when a bad thing gets postponed you have to worry about it again! But I'm so glad you had a good time at your farm. :)


  3. Hey Reuben,
    I went to the vet today for my rentals! I was very scared but my mommy said I would be ok and she wouldn't leave me all alone all day. My dentals went good, lost no toothes but I missed my mommy and sisters so the vet called my mommy and said PLEASE pick Winny up NOW! They let(made) me go home early!!
    Hope yours goes good too!
    Winny the winning Weiner

  4. run reuben run!
    i'm sorry your surgicals got postponed but thursday will come and go before you know it!

  5. That's sweet. You had a wonderful day at the farm. I bet it's in preparation of your surgicals. So that when you're asleep in the table, you get have super duper wonderful dreams.

    Huggies and Cheese,


  6. sending you all good thoughts!
    Benny & Lily

  7. Sounds like you're all worn out, Reuben. We are gonna go back and read what happened at the farm last time. Is this gonna be bad??? Happy Wednesday, sweet boy!

  8. Good luck!! I love the picture of you running away from the vet! Sounds like a lot has been happening, and of course the computer breaking was Pip's fault, we understand! Bol!

  9. I hate when the puter is broke, but I am glad you had a fun day at the farm. I can't wait to read more about it.

    Loveys Sasha

  10. Reuben can't wait to hear about your antics down on the farm. Hope the com-puter is better and glad the bookie was not lost. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Good luck at the vets.
    Best wishes Molly

  11. Glad the computer is working. Can't wait to hear about your adventures. Too bad chickens probably won't feature in them.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  12. Hope your surgicals went OK. I'm looking forward to your big adventures.


  13. Good luck {again} at the Vet's Reuben. Butt seriously, I'd keep running if I were you....

    Lily Belle


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