Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I is in a hopping around mood tonight

Look what I has found! It is a blog hop, around which we is all hopping and hopping and hopping. Wait.... I think I has hopped too much. I is having a very uncomfortable feeling in my tummy now. Has you ever hopped too much like that? If you has, then you know what I means. Excuse me.


  1. Hi There,

    It's nice to meet you - you sure do have a floppy tongue buddy!! If you like Blog Hops, why don't you join in our Monday Mischief Blog Hop? It's a great excuse to get up to a little mischief and to brag about it - or you can just tell us what 'non-mischief' you've been up to, that's cool too!

    Have fun,

    Your new pal Snoopy :)

  2. Lots of great blogs to check out here! Love your blog picture, your tongue looks great! Love the doxie nose too :)


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