Wednesday, May 15, 2013

An epic meeting of the minds (and other parts too): Garth Riley and Reuben

Friends, the ginourmous dachshund party I attended at a castle this past Saturday - 

what, you no is believing this story already?

Well guess whats, I has proofs! 


 I was there to sell copies of my book and meet other wiener dogs and eat treats and stuff, but a major highlight of my day was meeting Garth Riley himself, in the furs. My words no could does this illustrious meeting justice, so instead I will illustrate it in photos.

I would hearby like to apologize to Garth, Garth's mama and daddy, my people sister, my publisher, my mama, that black and tan dachshund bystander, some various people childrens walking by, and the entire Wiener Roast Festival Committee. It was unbecoming behavior for a dog such as myself, and all I has to say in my own defense is that Garth smells really, really interesting.

Now... I hopes to post some more Wiener Roast photos soon, but for now I leaves you with.... the Pet Blogger Mall! Go does a following of them if you no has already; there will be many chewies and treats there to be purchased in exchange for green papers! And what better way to show your love for the blogging communities than by, you know, buying stuffs from them, so they can buy more treats and chewies for me? I mean, for us. 


  1. Reuben Buddy!

    No need to apologize, dude! (at least not to us) We thought it was hilarious! Isn't that what all big, brave, tough, macho dogs do when they meet dogs who are less so?

    It was SO great to meet you and your momma and your people sister and to participate in such an amazing event!


  2. You got really really really close to him...bahahhahahahah........looked like a great event to be at!
    stella rose

  3. Reuben I just spat me tea all over my screen. Could you get your snoot any further up Garths' butt pal? Lordy be we thought you'd lost your head. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. Dude... We noticed that Garth was trying his best to cool you off by wagging his tail real fast. Obviously you took that as an invitation to do the naughty!

    Sam and Pippen

  5. NO A PAW ligee needed buddy... We ALL know how you FELT... and What the heck... THAT is just how we are!!! FURENDLY... SUPER Furendly. Just sayin.

    THANKS fur the Super words fur SARGE!!!

  6. Tee hee those are some great pictures. I think molly said it all

    urban hounds

  7. Nail Clipping???!!! At a party? We had trouble getting past that sign. We thought you were going to get lost under Garth's tail! BOL!

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

  8. We would have done the same. Lee and Phod - power to the sniff!

  9. Oh dear! I think he's a bit too tall for you...


  10. OMD!! Ma was laughin' at those pics!!! So funny! I bets you just couldn't helps yourself, and really...who could blame you??! I bets he smells divine!! BOL

  11. OMD!!! How cool. But Reuben dude, you got right p in there. Good thing GR is so understanding!

  12. Reuben, you obviously gave it your all! We can see why you couldn't resist--Garth's legs are just soooo solid looking! We bet you did an excellent job drawing attention to your book table! :-D

    Susan and Wrigs

  13. BOL proof! You better look for kids your own size
    Benny & Lily

  14. We thought you were gonna get lost up in there! Good thing you decided to back up. Garth is such a handsome dude. That was pawsome that you really got to meet him.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

    p.s. We love your last picture!!

  15. BOL, you are such a joker Reuben!
    Glad you got to meet Garth.
    Dip Bridge and Elliot x

  16. You are so naughty, Reuben! You definitely got all the 411 on Garth's bits and pieces! Nice!

    Love and licks,

  17. Reuben that was kind of embarrassing to watch. He must have had some good smells(snickers)

    Loveys Sasha

  18. It looks like you had a lovely time

  19. Reuben
    Your post has cracked us up!! OMDs that was priceless. Was Garth Riley there promoting maybe a new doggie fragrance? OMDs if someone gets that close to my nether regions they are liable to draw back a nub...if you get my drift. I had no idea Garth Riley lived in NC.
    Thanks for the MOL
    Oh and I'm very used to mom putting things by me and the bed is pretty firm too.
    Hugs Madi your BFFF


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