Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bunnicula and Hatfield: two pees in a pod

Well friends, Easter is upon us and I understand that this "bunny" will be invading visiting my house during the nights. Again. Always he is so quiet and sneaky, for I no has caughted him yet in the three Easters I has spent sleeping next door to people sister! Since I no has sawed this "bunny" yet, here is what I think he looks like:


Or possibly like this:


Dog help us all if he looks like this:


It remains to be seen what kind of awful home break-in will be experienced this year. Stay AWAY from my organic peanut butter biscuits, BUNNICULA.

In related newses - those involving a devilish catses named Hatfield - he is on my last nerve these days. Always using his freakishly limber legs to jump up on tables and counters and eat foodstuffs that should be MINE, based on how I is the most important creature in the house. Here is an example of him being illegally on the counter and also thinking that he is a bird by sitting on these eggs:

cat sitting on eggs
There is way too many confusing things happening here. 
So listen to me, Hatfield, when I says that you is on notice. I no is exactly sure what that means, other than that I has been noticing you being extra annoying recently and have taken great pains to chase and bark at you at all possible times. You has been warned.

I hope those foots no accidentally slips and kicks you, Hatfield. 
On guards and ready for actions - from Bunnicula, Hatfield, or any other rude intruders intruding into my personal home.


  1. I loved those Bunnicula stories when I was a kid

    urban hounds

  2. Clearly you're the dawg in charge Bunnicula is gonna get past you this year and Hatfield, well, whatcha gonna do about a cat? No fair they get to jump up so high...Wishing you and your family a Happy Easter!

  3. Reuben you keep your eyes peeled for evil Bunnicula and Hatfield in case they steal you Easter goodies. Have a really happy holiday and a Happy Easter to you all. We hope the Easter Bunny brings you lots of treats and guard them well . Enjoy.
    Best wishes Molly

  4. OMD I didn't even think that the Easter bunny would have fangs!! Scary!! Have a happy Easter!

  5. Hope the bunny brings treats for you this year! It's the smart thing to do. :)

  6. Good job Reuben protecting the Fort! We've never seen the Easter Bunny either, but we know he does exist! Keep a close eye out for him tonight. If you spot him, take a picture.

    Hope you have a pawsome Easter.

    Lily Belle & Muffin

  7. Looks like you've got all areas covered, Reuben. Have a happy and safe Easter! XOXO

  8. The bunny has already been here, and we didn't see him. Probably lucky for you because he wouldn't have been able to continue his run if we had caught him.

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    Cats are despicable!

  9. We hope you catch those intruders. Happy Easter. Lee and Phod

  10. Reuben, you must be worn out from all that ferocious barking, chasing, and laying in wait. You should have at least one or two extra organic peanut butter biscuits--you have to keep up your strength!

    Susan and Wrigs

  11. Happy Easter!!

    Wow.....those are some scary looking bunuies. We never sawed one either.
    But some bunny left some marshmellow peeps in our backyard & we got to them before Mommy could taker them away....heehee.


  12. I hope you were successful in keeping all the intruders out of your house. Although I was told that the bunny is supposed to bring you nice things!



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